He is the Sreyas of all these people.
by SunRiser November 23, 2021
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Sreyas is someone whose name speaks out tradition, but that's where tradition ends. They don't have an ounce of tradition in them and usually disappoints their trad parents who regret naming them Sreyas. They usually seem very silent and nonchalant but you only realize after getting to know them that they were either rating you or being horny for you while being silent. They are foolishly impulsive and gives no fucks about consequences. They are very gay (happy or gay, however you want to take it). The name literally means 'the great one to carry forth the name", but in reality the only greatness they carry is their loveable goofiness. They scheme to get dumb and naughty stuff done and gets away with all of it. They have bruises and playful scratches because they are outdoorsy but the deeper ones rarely see the light.
"I thought you were looking after Sreyas"
"I thought YOU were looking after Sreyas"
*Distant noises of Sreyas making poor life choices"
by YohnSa May 12, 2023
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Sreya is the gurl you should have in your life, she's a wife material, a girl who you can take home to your wife. Can take dick.
Sreya is smart, a person who makes you feel like home, she's a wonderful cook also.
If you have a Sreya in your life you're very lucky.
do you have a Sreya in your life?
Yes I do and my life is colorful
by milf069 August 7, 2022
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A girl who is the nicest cutest prettiest sexiest cutest and sexiest person ever! When you’re around her, she’ll never fail to make you laugh. She gets very jump scared way too easily, but it’s adorable, and will do very high pitched squeals when saying “awwww” to something she loves. She loves to hug and cuddle and has incredibly smooth skin. If you ever meet a Sreya, stay back. She’s mine!
Sreya is hot as fuck
by Pretzel Enjoyer October 6, 2022
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literally no one is called this.most likely a nonce or a washed up baller
hey Sreyas , you fell off
by PintOfLean November 21, 2021
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you are a heart stealer you go stomp stomp stomp on guys hearts who've barely got functioning eyes to see you as a pretty girl
f$ck you sreya
by notsummerfitz November 21, 2021
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