A word used to describe someone who gets all the chicks (Often sarcasm). Overused as fuck, was cool in like 2005 now just annoying. A common reply is "nar you bro".
Example 1:
Kid 1: Man your a skux.

Kid 2: Nar you bro.

Example 2:
Kid 1: Oosh Beni you skux.

Kid 2: Fuck up.
by The god of Skux August 9, 2008
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A guy who is the man with all the ladies, can also mean pretty boy. Or someone who always does themselver up in styly clothes and heaps of hair product.
"did you hear about mark last night with whats'her name?"
"yeah man that guys such a skux"
by skux-deluxe April 24, 2003
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A person that is attractive or is known as to get women very easily.
(Man, sole, u look skux)
by Christopher Vailalo May 30, 2007
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A skux is a wannabe gangster who buys lots of expensive clothes and wears his clothes around malls trying to be thug and pick up chicks, however all skux are pathetic and have no class, literally no class, a recent survey showed that over 90% of the YSK (young skux kids) a christchurch joke of a "gang" were high school drop outs who had failed to achieve NCEA lvl 1. Skux kids try to become more thug by getting involved in petty crimes such as littering, loitering, tagging, blaspheming and even in some extreme cases attempting violence.
upstanding citizen: "Whos that guy over there with expensive probably stolen gangster looking clothing pretending to smoke and trying to be thug?"

Street wise total boss: "Oh thats just a skux, dont worry they're all talk, that pretty boy wont touch you."
by totalboss November 15, 2010
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Created by Mark Sosene in Porirua, Wellington, New Zealand in 1997 after watching a moritz ice cream commercial where a lady and man are playing chess. The man says Ska-ko-mato...abbreviated to Skux when used in a sentence.

A) you look skux - hot
B) That's pretty skux! - Awesome
You look skux - hot
That is pretty skux - Awesome
by Skuxcreator August 11, 2016
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(1)A st pats boy who thinks he's flash and wears too much make up.
(2)somebody who has just "obtained" sum nice looking clothes and is dressin up for sum reason.
(1)"Sorry skux" *laugh*.
(2)"eh, skux you lookin' pretty nice".
by niceynice January 16, 2004
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A skux is a guy who things he has skills and swag but is secretly a dumbass. He calls everything he does skux. And when he does anything people will shout skux at him. Skuxes are usually very nooby.
Tom: Wow, did you see Tim just slide through the door on his knees?
Bob: Yeah what a "skux".
by ansertank August 22, 2014
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