1, A state of inebriated confusion;

2.Staying up past normal human hours.

3.Wanting to go to mars.

4. Used to be Hauser
1. "But I'm Quaid"
2. "Sorry guys, I was quaiding it real hard but I'm back now.
3. "It's 4 AM. These are quaid hours.
by achunkypid January 27, 2021
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Definition; Quaided, derived from the character Quaid in Total Recall, meaning to be have been so mind-bendingly drunk that your memory might as well have been effectively wiped. A state so beyond merely not being able to recall what happened last night, that you might as well have taken a trip to Mars for all you know.
"I did what? Said I was a secret agent working under cover, from Mars? I don't know anyone called Richter, why the hell would I see him at the party? God I’m so Quaided right now, I’m never drinking again! Can't remember anything. Hold on, I feel another chundah coming, somebody open that window, give des people ayuh!!!
by Quaid2012 July 29, 2012
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people that like tomb raider, rock climbing, tom Clancy stuff, paint balling, shants, taking matters into their own hands

origins: San Anselmo, CA, THE CHAMBER
wow that kid is quaid
by Larry July 30, 2004
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A person of limited intelligence in a position of authority.
God I hate my boss, he is such a quaid.
by silas.pc September 18, 2005
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A pizza consisting of meatball, bacon, and onion.
I'm ordering The Quaid pie.
by Wolf518 October 3, 2017
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A mix of every STD known to man.
Quade got Quaids from going to prison.
by Johnny11213 May 12, 2011
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To be unnecessarily proud about something. Usually accompanied by a big stupid smile, sometimes called an 'extend'a smile' often seen on Dennis Quaid's face during ghey movies.
Chalm: I just killed you at poker.
Damo: Don't be so quaid asshole.
by Van Def May 19, 2005
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