Exclusively used in reference to literally anything in video games that Chris doesn't like.
"The fact that I'm forced to press buttons to make my character take actions is unnecessarily punitive."
by HeHeEcksDee99 August 29, 2020
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Usually gay, usually a sell out, always pussy, always willing to conform, fat, vegetarian, has no personal hygiene.
Someone sleeps with your girlfriend, robbed your house and graffitied 'fat shit' on your front door and you do nothing about it - "dude are you just gonna Punit out like that"
by Being real June 10, 2017
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1. Punits (poo - nits) n. The female gentalia. 2. Tang 3. Mutt. 4. A box 5. The Flaps 6. Meatflaps.
A term that is endearing to the ladies, humourous to the blokes, and often coated in cottage cheese.
Her punits was encrusted with festid cheese.
by dangy August 19, 2005
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This is a discribing word, that would represent a small frail and lazy person. This would be the highlight of insults if someone where to be called this. Savage insult used to describe a mat like body, flat, easily stepped on.
"MATT Hill is such a Punit pig"
"Look at our body Matt " "yeah I'm heaps punit". "Such a punit pig"
by jaydos123456 February 8, 2017
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Ordering the most expensive meal on the menu, on the firm's/company's tab, when one is forced to dine at their desk on a Friday evening.
PARTNER: "Harris, can you stay late to finish this brief? Dewey Cheatum & Howe will pay for dinner."

ASSOCIATE 1: "Sure. I'll have the lobster."

ASSOCIATE 2: "Yes! Punitive Dining!"

by An associate February 23, 2007
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A bad motha fucka known for crushin' bitches, knockin' skulls, and droppin' lines so deep they'd make Socrates go: "Damn!"
Did you wee what happened to that fool? He stepped to Punitive D and got dropped by a gavel to the head
by Donny March 15, 2005
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