Pubic hair bangs. Grooming your pubic area in shapes and all.
"In the winter my girlfriend goes from brazillain to pangs." "I got my pangs cut." "My hair was getting kinda curly so I got pangs instead", "My muff is out of control, I need to cut my pangs"
by Trademark, ME. Coined November 7, 2013
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(Past Participle/Adjective.)

Used to describe one who is participating or has participated in altered state of conscious, induced by consumption of illicit substances. (Australia)

(see 'Clapped')
Gee Fred, I'm rather panged after those bickies.
by Goolybangbang June 30, 2009
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The sound a shovel makes when it hits you in the face.
That chick is a real pang.
That chicks got a hot body but she's gotta pang face!
by medicpaul May 2, 2005
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Another term for "good"
A slang word made up in the late 90's.
To be said in a positive manner
Can be said in many ways
"Those jeans are pang"

"This weed is pang"

"That dude/girl is pang"
by Mizz Montana October 1, 2009
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pang pangs



Hi Marissa, it's Frank Recard calling I'll be in the neighborhood later on, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get some pang pangs.

All i want is pang pang pang, in my mouth, pang pang pang.

Whose got the pang pangs ?

If in doubt, pang it out.
by blackiemate January 28, 2014
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Use in the East midlands especially Grantham near Nottingham to describe a very very attractive woman.
Oi Warren check out that pang across the road.. she is seriously fine.

by knockalot May 4, 2007
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