To murk = to kill
To get murked = to be killed
Damn Leon got murked!
Im gon' murk that nigga Leon!
by Stealonu April 29, 2003
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"I'm goin' to murk him."
by Dana October 29, 2003
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to eliminate somethin badly, could be beating somebody up badly, finished some food in its entirety, and/or murder someone or somethin.
Dawg, on thanksgivin, i'm finna murk all that food
by isaiah1 November 28, 2005
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A common misspelling of merc, which means to beat up or kill someone. Used mainly in hip-hop and gang culture. Derived from mercenary, a soldier for hire.
Crip1: That nigga's a blood, imma murk his ass.

Crip2: It's spelled merc, not murk.
by Colder August 6, 2011
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to win, beat or kill someone or something
Yo does anyone know when "Animals merk niggaz" is on?
by Austin Williams April 6, 2005
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Actually spelt 'Merc' but these idiots below me don't seem to realise that. Short for 'Mercenary' it means to destroy or to beat mercilessly
'Wow I murk'd him'
'Dude, it's merc'd, dumbass'
by Mizticall May 6, 2010
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They sayin they gon murk 50 Cent. How? They ridin round wit gunz sa size of Lil Bow Wow.
by Amber bka Lil Mike February 12, 2003
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