Is a funny,smart,caring,fine,great personality, and listens to whatever you have to say.
He is such a Mikael
by Sha'naenae August 2, 2018
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a mikael is an boy who hates himself cus why not
did you see that guy he hates himself

must be a mikael
by icelanidcgamer May 5, 2022
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Is tall, athletic, sort of handsome and lifts weights.
by Pa-ro-me-ta August 20, 2021
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Mikael is the most awesome guy you'll ever meet if you're lucky enough to meet one in your life, he only hangs around cool dude who are not as cool as he but almost, he hangs round with hot girls as well and is the most jacked guy in the room at all times. He has the highest IQ in the world pretty much and is undefeated in arm wrestle and any question game, his IQ is around 207.
Wow that was a awesome and muscular man, must have been a Mikael.
by UltraHotGamer69420 March 19, 2021
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The most bitch-ass human being to ever walk the planet. When you first see him, you'll be blinded by his beauty & ignore every wrongdoing he will ever commit. You would do anything for him. Until the day you find out he has the International Title for Biggest Thot of the World. He is a Manipulative, Cheating, Selfish person that will take what he wants from you and then ignore you for days on end. He only likes people when convenient. Additional facts: Known to flock to Underage Girls, only fucks if Steven Universe is playing in the background, doesn't show up to funerals even with months advance notice.
you: Wow, I love Mikael he's such a nice person, he looks like an angel and genuinely cares for my wellbeing.
you, after seeing the light: Mikael is the worst person I've ever met, he never wanted anything but sex.
by watpomp January 25, 2017
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has a hugemungus penile, he very friendly and fuck all bitches, but dont worry he also sexy
that guy over there, hes totaly a Mikael. sooo sexy
by dileimkeyt July 5, 2019
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He is a that one guy that sendes nudes to gay guys
I just received a nude from Mikael. Gross
by Noob_SLAYER_"""= January 23, 2019
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