A guy with a huge dick that every girl wants,even if they are not bitches...he's also very sexy and always looks good.Usually a latino with a very hot accent.
Girl:OMG,there's Mateo I want to fuck him so badly
by qqwertyuiop October 10, 2010
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A boy who I like, who I've been in love with for ever. He has many gigs liking him which makes. Me wildly jealous but I never say anything or I try not too because he has a girlfriend (who doesn't really treat him right) and she gets mad very easily when like any girl talks to him. When I see him my heart drops and flutters at the same time, I have so much to say but I can't say it because I always lose. My voice around him, I try to act confident and care free but the thing is that I really really like him. He has got quite a big head from all the girls that like him even though he says he doesn't like all that attention, and I don't want to just be another girl that likes him. He has issues that he's opened upto me about who h is awesome and I always want to help him and make sure he's always happy but he always act all manly and carefree which is okay it's him. Anyway whenever I'm around him it's like I can't breathe but he gives me confidence... I feel depressed but I also feel amazing, and sometimes. I wonder if this is what the other girls feel..... He probably has heard this a million to. Ed. And I feel stupid for writing this but I just wish i could tell him without ruining our friendship.....
I like this boy mateo who all the other girls like, I've tried to stop liking him a million times but I cannot. I don't want to be just another girl that likes him, he kills. Me but I love it.
by Hahayoudontknowwhothisis October 4, 2018
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1. The love of my life
2. The best goalie
3. Best video maker in the world

"Mateo deserves all this because he made me that MGS video, and he made me the happiest girl in the world"
by Eva! March 29, 2007
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awesome person who will soon be famous so look out, and loves Selena Gomez
"i wish i was Mateo"
by jew-fro April 25, 2009
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Just a guy that gets all the girls never gets rejected good at all sports will be rich and famous considered as a God and just good at all video games good at school and has a different girl every night. A Mateo is loyal if he wants to be and gets the Latina putas and the Znouds and Necs and Babatundes and the Chinese girls like Tsuki and the Arabic girls and white girls and black girls

Mateo also has the biggest dick out of all the other people it’s a scientific fact which is proven if your name is not Mateo it’s just sad but if you are a friend of his you are also on his level, if you are an enemy go kill yourself you don’t have a purpose to live you fat motherfucker shit trash garbage
Omg that God is so Godly, he looks like a Mateo. No way he is a Mateo and has the biggest dick I’ve seen bro. My mom told me about his dick that he fed her for the last 8 nights
by I’m just a God relax dude April 12, 2020
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He is the definition of sexy. The hottest Spanish boy you will ever see. No one has an ass and a shlong like this guy. The best man in the world. He is the strongest and most masculine man in. the world. Girls faint when they see him. He is a chick magnet and is also packing a good 14 inches, The females are always pleased The definition of an Alpha Male.
Christian: Whoa look its Mateo. Geez i am blushing just looking at him.

Gabriel: I know man, look all the girls want him. I wish I was him, he is so lucky.
by Bigpapichris October 5, 2020
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Polynesian name for Matthew. Used as a comment for something amazing, great you've just seen.

Mateo!!! this chick has the most massive tits I've ever seen in my life !
by Francesco June 6, 2005
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