A term originating in the early nineties to indicate something that is beyond massive in size.
1. That has got to be the most massivious woman I've ever seen -- look at those cankles!
by superkris September 10, 2004
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Term used to describe a type of party, show, or Rave where thousands of Ravers, Junglist, Club Kids, and Kandy Kids would flock to from miles away to attend. Most Massives feature world renown artist or D.J.s, held in large event centers, and are known about many months in advance. Most commonly pre-sale tickets have to be bought due to these events usually selling out.
"Dude, did you go to that sick Massive last week?"
"Yeah, I went broke going to Nocturnal Wonderland, but Dieselboy was hella worth it!"
by 5p1ic3 September 16, 2004
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Massive - Really good.Something or someone who merits praise.
That party was f**kin Massive.
She's Massive,I'd love to....
by Blood January 7, 2005
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Noun that refers to an imposing amount of mass. Can be used to comment on someone's intimidating or weak physic. Most commonly used for motivational purposes to boost a bros confidence before or after a GTL (gym, tan, laundry) session.
Yo Peter has been hitting the gym hard lately, check out his massiveness.

Yo bro, where's your massiveness?

C'mon man, don't just sit there. You're going to lose all your massiveness.
by GTL-P May 2, 2011
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massively (adj.)

A word that is the equivalent of the phrase "requires very much ponder" or, "requires an extreme degree of thought"---possibly of British origin---used as an adjective. In particular, it is used at the end of a sentence as somewhat of an afterthought preceded and followed by an ellipsis (...) said in a room with people present. This is not the letter ending and indicates that the speaker is trying to describe something too huge to express in mere words.
One loves the webby of BBCR1...Massively....
by Jesus Chameleon October 22, 2012
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Super big - not necessarily strong. Commonly associated with strong men and fat women.
"Oh man that Adrian is super-massive."
"Holy shit she gained like 400 pounds and now she's massive as hell."
by AdrianIsMassif September 8, 2014
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