13 definitions by Blood

"Labret Piercing" is redundant. A labret IS a piercing, not a part of the body. See labret
I like the placement of your labret.
by Blood November 2, 2004
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Massive - Really good.Something or someone who merits praise.
That party was f**kin Massive.
She's Massive,I'd love to....
by Blood January 7, 2005
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Scuttered - Totally drunk,elephants,langered.
Well-gone,so drunk one could sh*t oneself.
I was so scuttered last night that I tried to drive a lampshade.
by Blood January 7, 2005
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The movie Saw kicks so much ass.
by Blood November 10, 2004
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A lip piercing, much like a labret. This peircing actually travels through one's lip (like the name implies) vertically.
That vertical labret is hot.
by Blood November 2, 2004
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Yak - Heroin,gear,horse.
The drug or a person that uses.
Yak is for fools.
He's a Yak-head.
by Blood January 7, 2005
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