Slang for "the marijuana". Coined by Jordan Peele.
Don't tell Montel smokes the la la la la
by big meemes November 13, 2007
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A character from the children's t.v. show, Teletubbies.
One of four, including Tinkie-Winkle, Dipsy, La-la and Po
by Dani L February 26, 2005
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Found in plenty of music including songs by Jay-Z and BTNH, this would be used to represent weed.
Roll, Roll, let's smoke, I got to get high
I been high since the last song, off that la la la la la la la
And I just been smokin' and smokin'
Smoke another blunt, roll another up
-Bone Thugs and Harmony "Weed Song"
by QueenV October 23, 2008
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Weed, ganga, marijuana, pot, dank, skunk
by yeffmandingo June 4, 2005
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.....also considered to be the female sexual organ located in the lower abdominal area.

..... WAY before Ashlee Simpsons song la la, KIX used it in one of their song titles "Bump the La La"
Im going over to kristys house to bump the la la....
by M April 5, 2005
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1) somebody who's away with the fairies, not on planet earth, etc

2) The Third Teletubby
My girlfreind can be a bit of a la la
by black flag June 5, 2004
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1.) a way of singing
2.) a way of blocking someone out when they r`blahing` on ..
3.) a great song
4.) something to improvise with when u forget words of a song
"wat did u say ? i cant hear u!??! lalaaaallaalaalala"
by halo from a pixie April 4, 2005
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