Suing somebody over your own stupidity.
Guy 1: Dude didn't Will have sex with Susie last night?
Guy 2: Yeah I think so.
Guy 1: Well I hear he's suing her now.
Guy 2: Damn he's just Judge Judying it then.
Guy 1: I know right? What a bitch.
by Cum 5 April 28, 2008
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Some old bitch on T.V. who just yells even if you don't look at her, well why the fuck would you wanna look at that ugly old wrinkled face for? She yells way too much, you have to turn your t.v. down because of her annoying voice, and I hate her
Judge Judy is a bitch
by DizzyLizzy April 1, 2007
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SEE-Bitch, Look for picture.
Judge Judy decides cases on what you look or act like, not on what the facts are!
by asiseesem January 19, 2008
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Judge Judy is none other than a yankee doodle judge who has the cases that are brought before her in court televised. One can only assume that these "cases" are fake, because they're all quite stupid like "Mr Gonzales threw a stone in my yard. I feel extremely threatened and like I can't even live at my home in the same way. He also deliberately splashes water on my driveway while watering his bluebells. It is plainly eroding the concrete away and I want full compensation for all damage costs. I am so discriminated against." And then the defendent would make their rebuttle which would be something of the same sort. Judge Judy then would ask her assistant to make the huge walk from the judges desk thing to the plaintiff and defendent's tables to retrieve pointless photos of the "crime scene", and then interrogate both with pointless questions and hand gestures.
Herman: Hey! Let's watch Judge Judy
Rolf: No way man... she brat in bratwurst.
by nowhere near September 24, 2005
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what's the difference between judge Judy and a trampeline?

You take off your shoes when you jump on a trampeline.
The apacolypse
by Max November 10, 2003
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verb-to be told off or schooled by an older woman; usually she's right, of course. Similar to this is judge joe brown, which is getting told off or schooled by an older man.

noun-to act like the TV judge; scolding, cranky, judgemental (I know judges should be judgemental, but she takes it too far). There is currently no noun form for judge joe brown, due to his less annoying style of juris prudence.
tommy: hey asshole! get off that car or you'll be judge judy'd by the principal!
timmy: hey asshole too! our principal is a dude!
tommy: in that case you'll get judge joe browned!!
tammy: hey assholes! why don't you both get the hell out of here? i'm sick of seeing you losers just hanging around and making noise and......(long rant here)....................!!!!
tommy: what a bitch!
timmy: no, she's a judge judy!!
by earpuller September 27, 2005
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A high-rated TV Judge that likes to berate and talk down to her "litigants" in her courtroom with her annoying New York accent. She says things like "Do I have stupid written across my forehead?" She calls people idiot, moron, dumb and dumber, and "genious" (being sarcastic) among others.
Judge Judy, wheather you love her or hate her, is the highest rated Judge on tv and has been on the air longer than any of them.
by May 9, 2008
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