Someone who is very cool and has lots of fans. Many people simp over Icey. Icey is also probably very rich.
"I am an Icey fan club member!"
by sydspaghetti March 26, 2021
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A beautiful,shy,nice girl But some girls talk crap behind her back she doesn't care and those girls are just jealous of her. She hates how she looks but a lot of people tell her she is a pretty girl but,she doesn't believe that. everyone wants to be her bestfriend and be near her.
1.i wish she was my best friend
2.icey is my bff

3.icey is the best!
by Rodriguez... May 17, 2017
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One who eat's piles of sand while they fuck.
Why is all the sand missing from the sandbox? Oh Icey just got down with a sheep in there.
by iluvrap February 18, 2003
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n. Self proclaimed "political commentator extraordinaire" and "Religious virtuoso", whom has little or no respect for the life and/or death of other human beings.
*** Icey|IsaidIwashardcore is now known as BrandonVedas
*** BrandonVedas is now known as ripper
<ripper> I am so hardcore
<ripper> faggots
<Ecko> icey
<Ecko> please stfu man
<ripper> sup
<Ecko> thats not really funny
<ripper> yea it is
<Coldshot> @escort ripper
*** TsNbot sets mode: -o+b ripper *!*
<TsNbot> Ok Sir, escorting ripper out of #tsn!
<apsog33|sleep> not funny
*** ripper was kicked by TsNbot (TsNbot)
by Ecko February 18, 2003
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synonomous with 'saget'
look at that icey next to that stamos
by Anonymous February 18, 2003
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Someone who talks about people because they are jealous; Hater
"Dude stop bein an ICEY ,Garnett is cold as hell!
by Chelsey June 4, 2004
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Iceis knows who her real friends are, she doesn't let drama tear apart her life. She is baby, she does has ibuprofen on her, so I suppose she has secret mom friend tendencies.

She is fucking funny as hell, and if you ever talk to her you'll have a long life inside joke and some great stories to tell anybody else you meet.
"I'm so happy Iceis is my friend!"

"My head hurts"
Iceis: "do you need ibuprofen? I have some right here"

by jimmy saint December 19, 2019
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