This is the shit that you have to hold in for whatever reason, but you can fuckin feel it get more powerful by the second as it builds up and waits for its moment to strike. And you know: any moment could be your last. You're searching for an adequate restroom just to wreak havoc. When you finally find it, you release a diarrhea octopus upon the world.
Holy fuck, I had to hold in this massive harbinger of terror all day. It was a mess when I finally could use the restroom.
by DickMan69 September 12, 2013
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A higher form of Hoe. Where no other term can describe how disgustingly and self disrespecting a hoe can get. Has no care for whoever or whatever. Holds a preceding reputation not even an award can quench.
Yo Keisha is a Harbinger of Hoes. She done probably sucked and fucked off the whole damn city by now.

A Harbinger of Hoes, she can break off a million man march if you toss her loose ass out there.
by Black Riz August 1, 2008
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Timmie is the first mondstat citizen that you would encounter in Genshin Impact. Once a kind boy who feed pigeons everyday, he was consumed by hatred as a certain traveller from a foreign world murdered his only family, the pigeons.

He was brought before the winter shogun, Tsaritsa, and he swore to serve her so Tsaritsa's dream of destroying the world could finally be realized, so that a world where pigeons can live safely can be created.

As the Harbinger, known as the Doll Maker, he soon assembled his arsonal of field tillers, also known as cyclops.
Pigeons: ...
Venti: time for take off.
Timmie the 12th Fatui Harbinger: How dare you kill my friends. Now, I shall end your friends before I end you, Fowl Legacy!!
by AAuthor September 19, 2021
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A Retail Buyer who consistently chooses products where the sell through is incredibly low.

They are likely to buy fashion and consumer goods that get discontinued due to lackluster sales.
That store has a Harbinger Buyer but they can't get fired because he's the kid of
by Chomma June 18, 2022
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A fart that usually warns you of an impending desire to take a fat sh*t that will definitely reduce your reputation with your toilet. It usually has a distinct and more powerful odor compared to the usual ones. It is far more potent, higher chance of leaving a lingering stench in the room depending on the size of the room.
Jack: ''Oh f*ck, I feel that I might need to take a sh*t soon.''
Gus: ''What makes you say tha- *smells the air* ew wtf dude?''
Jack: ''Sorry man, I let out a harbinger fart, that's how I know...''
by TheMadShahaz July 15, 2023
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