im gay; your gay... lets go gyme!

i walked in on two fags gyming last night.

my boyfriend is such a gymer!

my pervert uncle gymed his co-worker.
by 450slang August 23, 2009
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Damn bitch roommate broke the mirror while jungle gyming in my bathroom.
by TehGeek April 27, 2017
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Basically means going to the gym or gymnasium for a workout.
Suitable usage would be "I am gyming today" or "Are you gyming this week?"
by Shadwell W September 5, 2019
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Past tense to gyming, or went to the gym.
Gymed out earlier with my girl, and she's getting tight.
by Skylerzanth August 17, 2015
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The act of stalling out the natural rotation of a joint, bowl or bong in such a manner as to render the person on deck frustrated and impatient. Someone typically gymes another when drifting off on a storytelling tangent while the person being gymed angrily awaits the joint, bowl or bong.
Adam will gyme whoever stands to his left during a session... as sure as buttrantulas will appear in the Hanford toilet.
by Gary Poppins January 8, 2019
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