The loud sound generated by the rapid oscillation of the anal sphincter which is a direct result of the expulsion of a considerable volume of intestinal gas at great force which causes an overwhelming aroma of nauseating proportion.
"Grotee let a furp go and, man, you could feel the ground shake, and afterward, damn, I almost vomited."
by Frank Klaune November 23, 2003
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A cat's hairball. From "fur" + "urp" (the sound of upchucking).
What a mess---I have to clean the furp on the rug!
by pentozali January 18, 2008
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The sound a fart makes when you've been holding it too long and it reverses back up the colon and into the gut. Eventually it may emerge as a 'bistulum' (ass scented beltch).
I clentched hard and furp(ed) loudly only adding to the confusion within the lift.
by RAFFO November 3, 2003
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N.- A fart burp hybrid created when one person burps into another persons asshole and it comes back out as a fart.
V.- The action of passing the hybrid burp/fart gasses of a furp through your asshole.
1)Hey bro! Burp in my asshole so we can make a furp!
2) Burp in my asshole so I can furp in your face bitch.
3)Somebody burped in my asshole a few hours ago and I really need to furp.
by Anonymous757 March 16, 2013
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A burp following the consumption of fish or fish oil capsules.
"Oh, got the furps. I need to stop taking that omega 3 crap."
by Awesomes007 September 14, 2006
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When you erupt from both sides at the same time.
Person 1: I just furped.
Person 2: What the fuck.
by edp4452 July 29, 2020
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when you fart and burp at the same time
"Man! After you said that I let a furp out!"
by johnny woo June 1, 2007
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