Like a fascist, an idea or person who shows traits associated with this authoritarian form of governance. Dedicated nationalism, strict monitoring and surveillance of behaviour, interventionist politics are but a few possible indicators. Individuals are often characterised by a willingness to relinquish personal and social freedom for an increased sense of security. The word has been adopted/was introduced by various groups of 'conservative' people as a part of the "I'm just straight up with you bro" persona that characteristically masks deep held fears of uncertainty. And again, fascism, think Mussolini, this is not something to be proud to be associated with. Please!
That guy on YouTube who hates black people called himself a fashy goy, what the hell does that mean?
by Save the internet! August 17, 2018
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A term my girlfriend coined when noticing a fashionable pair of jeans. She's Chinese and her English isn't perfect but I loved the term 'fashy' so much I thought I'd add it in here.

Simply put, Fashy is the short n cute way to to describe anything fashionable.
Hey, that dress is kinda fashy!
Those jeans are real fashy!
by Gary n Marcia Hicks :P June 17, 2006
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To forget, neglect, disregard something or someo
1A: You didn't talk to him again .

B: Fashy him. I am moving on.
2. Fashy those books we are running late already .
3. I fashiedthe clothes I wasn't with enough money on me.
by HotChocolate🔥 September 10, 2017
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Being, unapologetically, both fashionable and trashy.
You're so fashy rocking those fucked up shoes of yours.
by W1ll1s August 20, 2017
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a random word that comes up while working on labs w/ Cr3. A mix between classy/fashion/and because only males w/ the name of bradley say it...ass... yes ass, as in ass face.... you are an ass face just for reading this pointless definition
"Ahh man that's fashy."
"He just got his fashy self raped up the asshole."
by the brad December 4, 2003
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a server on discord that has a small cult following where people post some peculiar things
person 1: hey why isnt mk ultra in the union of fashies anymore?
person 2: pomegranate banned him for being a pedo against bunny for the 100th time
person 1: classic mk...
by aNotSoFriendlyStranger June 2, 2021
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To overlook something; pay little to no attention
Fashi the matter
by Frogsareyummy June 4, 2022
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