A horrible waste of money, better spent on buying a house, car, or investing.
Even though, the poor soul lived in a crappy-assed area, he continued to buy collectibles instead of considering his future.
by Betty December 14, 2002
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Guy 1: Yesterday I read through all of collective !
Guy 2: No way, that must have token forever!
Guy 1: It was so bad!
by Prevaricator March 8, 2018
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A term meaning "good" or "amazing". It can also be as a way to show acceptance, or likeing.
Also meaning the opposite of the term "Overweight, or "Obeease".
Ex.1: Those people giving out free stuff are collectible.

Ex.2: Dude, Those naked chicks are Collectible!

Ex.3: That was a bit Overly Collectible!
by Fat Rob June 22, 2006
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When someone makes an unwarranted advance with the intention of taking you home that night.
Can you believe my friend Allie almost got collected tonight? Tragic, right?
by Mizz Popo February 11, 2017
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What one must often do.
Note: "One" never refers to the first party. The user of this verb must be commanding another to do so.
The Grim Reaper: "Collect!"
Charl: "But I--"
The Grim Reaper: "Collect!"
by Wasser Tizfiddle October 31, 2004
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Used as a reference to the sum total of attributes on the human body. (Ie; breasts and buttocks)
That girl has a nice collection on her.
by #justiceforkatelyn June 8, 2018
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When Harry corrects Mel on her pronunciation but she then threatens him with not giving him the box of balloons, Harry then agrees that collect is the correct word to use
Harry: collected**
Mel: do you want your box or not
Harry: collect is fine
by Leeeeeeeham December 20, 2019
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