I can't wait to see that movie, Brad Pitt gives me the biggest chubble.
by Joel TK May 25, 2005
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noun. A pair of chubby jubblies. Obese breasts.
Cor look at those!! I bet she couldn't run 100 metres. With chubblies like that she'd knock herself out!
by DJ Skate January 13, 2004
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(adj) Cute, cuddly, and slightly chubby.

(v) Chubble - To grab one's cute, chubby cheeks
"I love my chubbly slave boy!"
"I love chubbling my slave boy's face!"
by Masterface September 26, 2009
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the awkward manouvering into a pair of pants too small for you
"Haha, did you see Maria chubbling into those freaky-tight jeans in gym class??"
by kinky_curls January 11, 2009
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a combination of the word chub"slang for erection" and trouble"problematic".

Meaning erectile or penile difficulties.

This may have devastating effects upon ones manliness and or character.

Medical conditions - chronic masturbation with floatation devices or lawn ornimants
Hereditary - history of stubby dick syndrome SDS
Environment - apathetic robust shemale intervention
Mary: How is you and Bob coming along Berel?
Berel: ..(sighs).. oh hes having chubble lately

Clive: Corneilous how has your wilkins been this morn
Corneilous: Ive seemed to have been stricken with chubble
Clive: gasps
by Gish and Mimp June 4, 2007
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The art of chuckling to an extent to where you get a chub.
dude i just totally just chubbled at that joke!

i know man i can see your bulge!
by treyaflash May 2, 2011
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the leftover semen on a girls chin after ejaculation that resembles five o'clock shadow a.k.a. stubble
Don't move let me get you a towel for that chubble.
by Frojo October 14, 2007
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