v. A term often used to substitute the term "to dookie" or "to shit" esp. your pants.
"Tom! Did you chookie your pants?"
by Frazier May 25, 2006
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-shorthand for a chicken in the japanese culture, and therefore the greatest creature ever created.

-cute and cuddly and deserve to be loved!

-often pictured as white, fluffy chickens with mohawks, recently detailed in the fupenguin.com blog.
My roommate said she would feed the chookies, but didn't!

Dude, your chookie is the cutest thing ever.
by CSL-er November 11, 2009
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To take a dump in church. Dookie In churcj.
Man, I couldn't hardly wait for the sermon to be over. I really have to take a chookie.
by matt_2773 January 27, 2015
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To get drunk really easily.cadbury

To dance like a muppet
shit dawg your hella chookie

yo shiznit you doing a chookie right now
by Ace January 20, 2005
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Chooki is the strongest in adelaide. He is shinux's boyfriend. Guy with a big unit
i am chooki and im a unit.
chooki can get his gang to get you all, even if you have knifes.
by Anonymous April 16, 2003
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A female genital hair that has protruded through the pantial-wall.
Dude...I was about to go down on this chick and right before I pulled her panties off I saw she had a few chookies so I bailed. I ain't tryna get pube-barbed.
by redbeard90 November 5, 2016
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