Only one of the coolest shows out there. I mean come on! If you're a totally DNA, gotta solve the crime finattic like me this show nearly puts your dream job on TV and play it back to you! Yeah, some people think it's cheezey, but when you really think that people really do this stuff and the technolege that puts them away... you've got to hand it to the directers and writers they do a heck of a good job!
(1st person) Hey you know that one drop of blood contains thousands of DNA strands?
(2nd person) No, dude. So whats all those strands for anyway?
(1st person)So that's why you got caught!
by Ann July 12, 2004
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Crazy Space Incest. Term commonly used in fanfiction.
Refers to a romantic/sexual relationship between the characters Simon and River Tam on the show Firefly.
Many viewers of the show felt that there was a romantic, if not sexual, subtext between Simon and River thoughout the series, thus the term CSI, crazy space incest, erupted.
Person 1: I read a Firefly fic yesterday and it had some CSI parts in it. Do you want me to send you the link?
Person 2: Yeah, cool. I love CSI fics.

Light It ~ The CSI Shipper's Community on Livejournal
http ://
by blahbi March 1, 2006
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I bet you never heard about them, eh?

That's alright though, because they're the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, or the canadian equivalent of the CIA.

Unlike the CIA, who are known worldwide, CSIS is only known by a handful of people, now including you (You'd better run now!), making them a lot more efficient.
No examples about CSIS are found, mainly because they're sneaky enough.
by ICallBS July 21, 2011
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CSI stands for "Crime Scene Investigation," which as the name implies are a group of individuals, usually forensic scientists, within a police force who examine and process a crime scene and the evidence found there. It is also a show on CBS with reruns on SpikeTV. There are three forms of the show: CSI, CSI: Miami, and CSI: New York. Many claim that CSI is CBS's stylized response to the show Law & Order on NBC. However, the television show is just a glamorized, more "viewer friendly" view of the real CSI job.
(Taken from "In the normal world, CSI, or Crime Scene Investigators, collect and analyze information on a crime. Their findings are then passed on to the detectives and other authorities as the criminal case makes its way down the system. However, in TV, show the CSI investigators take on nearly all aspects of the case. Even arresting and interviewig suspects. Making them some sort of Judge Dredd enforcement officer. A complete package of Judge, Jury, and Executer."
Although I like CSI and Law & Order, I personally prefer Law & Order because it's more realistic. Also, since I'm pre-law, I was upset with the court scenes on CSI.
by Matt September 6, 2005
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A rather overrated tv show that someone lots of people like despite having the shallowest plotlines of any television. The average episode is like this: Someone dies, Crime scene people examine the corpse, someone makes a witty remark about the death, they find some suspects, they interrogate the person with the same dialogue they used the previous episode, the person admits to somehow not kill-but-in-the-same-time killed the person, then they find the real culprit and rinse and repeat for 12 fucking straight seasons! Honestly, how can a show last for 12 years using the same copy paste story every single goddamn episode!

Says a lot of the American public tbh. Meanwhile, clever shows like The Wire get lots of praise but low ratings (show only lasted for 5 seasons compared to CSI who lasted for 12!) and get canceled after a few years of airing due to the dumb masses wanted to watch stupid recycled crap instead of clever and informative tv. To quote Fry from Futurama: "But that's not why people watch TV. Clever things make people feel stupid, and unexpected things make them feel scared."
A typical episode of CSI:
A body is found,
The team covers the corpse and make a corny joke about the nature of the death
They search for some suspects and bring in some people in an interrogation room
They grill on the person until he/she admits knowing how the person died and who is the killer
They find the real culprit and arrest him/her and cue the next episode of the same exact shit happening again and again.
by Deadmojo October 18, 2018
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Being nosey
Can be used as a verb; or pronoun
The act of spying or investigating something
1) She was being all CSI by listening in on his conversation.
2) I was CSI'ing around her desk for some info.
by Linifer Rubirelli March 8, 2007
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An excellent television show put out by CBS, that has just finished its fifth season. It follows the cases (and sometimes, personal lives) of a group of forensic scientists...whose jobs are actually just an amalgam of careers found in the real world. But it's still really good.
Bob: Oh. My. God. Did you see last night's episode of CSI?
Susie: I totally did! I thought Greg was going to cry! He's so emo sometimes.
Bob: Yeah, it was awesome.
by Kie-chan May 26, 2005
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