He is a guy who you meet at a party, and think is super hott. But then once you start talking to him, you realize that he is more than just a "hott guy." Then you'll fall completely in love with him, and be head over heels in love. You'll do anything for him.. and when he disrespects you more than any other guy has before, and your hurt beyond comprehension, you'll still love him, and do anything for him.. And after more than a year of putting up with his dumb shit, you'll STILL be in love with him.. and you'll try to ignore him, and all his BS he carries on with, but it never works, because all you want is to be happy with him, even though you have been put through hell being with him... but it breaks your heart to realize that he doesnt know how to have a real relationship, and it will never work out. And the most heart breaking thing about him, is realizing that he is happier without you, even though he is a complete douche bag sometimes, and all you wanna do is punch him in the face. but regardless your still sitting here.... in love. :'(
Best friend: Why do you put up with Brant?
Girl in love: Because he is MY Prince Charming <3 and i love Brant with all my broken heart.
by Princess Turdin June 19, 2011
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Brant: He is a beautiful boy and everyone loves him. He normally gets mad pussy
You know Brant? He goes to NHS
by YOUNGDAGGERDICK09 November 12, 2018
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Boy who thinks he's a metal God.

Thinks he is all knowing musically. Will commonly argue on social networking sites about how 'core is the worst thing to happen to music ever'.
Usually has piercings, wears big black boots and is a stoner.
Normally found in attics with his scene girlfriend.
''Did you see Jimmy fighting over Facebook last night''
''Yeah, Jimmy was being a right Brant''
by Pukkablues May 6, 2013
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Damn, that guy must be a Branting, he just got with 5 chicks last night!
by me November 5, 2003
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a word that can be twisted to whatever meaning you want.
God, isnt alice such a brant bitch?
by sophie kendall May 21, 2003
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A Lovely caring person who will care for you, but is very annoying as hell brant is one of the best friend you could ever have .
Brant: Are ok
Me:Yes I fine
by Love 2005 June 22, 2018
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US mil. Personnel adhering to dated engineering concepts. Brants are the embodiment of the "if it aint broken, don't try and fix it" maxim. Believed to be shortened form of Brantwood US Army Transportation Depot, AZ.
"The Bradley? One hell of a fighting vehicle but the transmission musta been put together by the brant squad."
by Jon May 12, 2004
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