When you do something incredibly stupid by mistake. An obvious mistake that should for a task that's usually very simple.
Fernando: I was making cheese and crackers with salami but I put peanut butter instead of salami. Brain fart!
Josh: Yeah. Brain fart! And you're usually very smart.
by CognitiveFuel March 14, 2023
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An involuntary release of stupidity. Usually at the least opportune time.
Fred had a momentary brain fart and forgot that he left his term paper at home.
by Lalina October 12, 2009
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momentary mental lapse as when you see someone familiar but forgot their name the instant you were going to say hello
Lover 1 Susan: Oh John that was sooo good!

Lover 2 John: Ohhh yeah, uh, rats I just had a brain fart. Damn what's your name again?
by no1sandman July 31, 2010
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A sudden lapse of memory or judgment usually the result of ass gnomes dwelling in your mind cave.
Person 1: Hey baby

Person 2: What!?
Person 1: Oh sorry I thought you were my girlfriend
Person 2: what im a guy!
Person 1: uh errr (realizes it is unmistakably a guy)
Person 3: Don't get upset, it appears he is having a "brain fart"

Person 1: A brain fart?
Person 3: yes a brain fart, see they happen when ass gnomes dwell in your mind cave, causing disruption to your brain juice
by Thecaveofgreatness August 21, 2010
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When someone does not perform an action that obviously should have been done, especially when you are under pressure and must think quickly.
Phillies fan: "Dude, Rod Barajas had a brain fart last night! He should have blocked the plate instead of standing up!"

Mets Fan: "That's not a surprise."
by DW5 May 26, 2007
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A sudden thought, seemingly out of nowhere, that has nothing to do with the topic you are discussing.
We were discussing the party when all of the sudden my husband had a brain fart and asked me to remind him to change the air filter on his car.
by Sleeping Aurora July 21, 2014
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