A very rebellious guy, only makes his own time with music, once he's comfortable with someone he loves he'll show his real self he may seem act rude but deep down he's a really good person just hurt When your with a bernie You have to be faithful and loyal and always be there for him physically when he's struggling, his love is the best kind of love you can ever get, love him show him you care that's all he ever looks for he'll protect you and his love will be real

He's perfect from the outside and inside
No guy like him exists
smart brilliant caring loving hurt rude talented good looking unstoppable Bernie
by Girly2737 September 10, 2019
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A relatively bad ass and easy dance to do (based on the 80's movie Weekend at Bernies) where all you do is lean back, put your head up ("like you gettin a nosebleed") and wiggle your arms around
"man did you know theres a new dance called the bernie?"
"yes! and its bad ass."
by ItsJakeYo August 20, 2011
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Awesome, amazing, likes blanket forts. Can often be seen displaying a dopey smile. If approached, make sure to wear lots of bubble wrap as this creature is prone to biting and gets distracted by the popping. Giggles uncontrollably when tamed and will often giggle harder at it's own giggling. Mood is contagious, resulting in multiple cases of over-active hyper behaviour. Is also very cute and huggable. Diet includes: Chocolate paddlepops, and more chocolate paddlepops. If creature appears aggressive, throw cats at it; this will calm the creature and leave you with at least 5 seconds to run away. Or play Evanescence.
"That Berni stole my blankets!"
"I wish I was as awesome as a Berni"
"My Berni ate my chocolate paddlepop = "
"If I buy bubble wrap, do you think I should hide it from my Berni?"
by smiles and applejuice January 3, 2010
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Slang for cocaine. Mainly used as code to determine if cocaine will be present at specified future event. Also known to be substituted with 'Joe'.
"Yo, that party you're going to throw tonight? Is Bernie going to be there?"

"Yeah man, Bernie will definitely be there tonight."
by nasendusch July 11, 2008
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nat: Dude see that dead green rotting pussy over there..it's a bernie :|

there goes the end of my wet dream
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Sending information late, taking last second to do anything. being lazy, like weekend at bernie`s, only works on his own time with music,.
This guy at work is always pulling a Bernie.. I bernie-ed last night when i was suppost to clean the kitchen when my Mom was on the way home.
by The 0 Jackel 0 August 9, 2013
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The best of all of the male human species. Works tirelessly and plays hard. Would move Heaven and Hell to ensure his family is safe and feels loved. Berny's are amazingly handsome and gentle lovers. They are quick to learn how to parent and are kind to animals. Every man should aspire to be a Berny.
The most amazing man on the planet Earth wears the name Berny.
by WordWizardRYM December 20, 2016
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