Big Fucking Can, such as that on the large cans of assorted energy drinks.
I went to the gas station and picked up a BFC.
by Caution_Wet_Floor March 17, 2009
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Quite simply, an Acronym for the Bashface Crew!
"Hold tight the BFC!"
by Al Phillips December 31, 2008
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Big Fat Cunt

...when the "C" word just ain't enough!

She's "at it" again! She's a real freakin' bitch!

No. She's a BFC!
by Gregoryagogo April 27, 2009
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Big Fucking Cunt. What more do I need to say for this thing?
Jen thought I said BFC, when I really said BFG (Big Friendly Giant)...
by OvalvaSix January 31, 2005
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BFC- Bitter Fat chick is the girl in the group of girlfriends that is never hit-on, generally she is a hefty to large girl. Because she does not get hit-on she tends to cock block all of her friends and every guy at that bar. Thus, Bitter Fat Chick
I could have seriously used a wing-man with major beer goggles last night, because this girl was awesome and as we left, the BFC cock blocked us both.
by chazbenay March 14, 2011
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Best Friend Code - When someone tells you to not tell anyone your always allowed to tell one person, your best friend, without getting in trouble.
Bonnie: "Don't tell anyone my secret, I like Kevin."
Carlos: "Oh, I won't."

15 minutes later...

Falls Under the BFC:

Carlos: "Bonnie told me she liked Kevin."
Jack (Carlos' best friend): "Oh my."
by ChelKelB.roads July 14, 2009
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