A marijuana cigarette.
Origins: Youngest son of Prince Charles and younger brother of Billy the Boy King, Prince Harry was memorably caught smoking/possessing marijuana in the early noughties.
See also: joint, spliff, doobie etc.
I could do with a Prince Harry right about now.
by sidgirl August 22, 2006
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Son of Prince Charles and the younger brother of Prince William. His full name is HRH Princy Henry Charles Albert David Windsor. He was born Sep. 15, 1984 at 4:02am. His mother, Princess Diana, died in 1997 of a car crash.
by JtotheM November 6, 2006
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A drunken fool who's proved himself to be prejudiced and ignorant. Dressed up as a Nazi to a party and made racist remarks towards a fellow soldier of Pakistani roots and called another cadet a "raghead."

His only talent is partying and swinging his arms out like a gorilla at the cameras once he's wasted. His wasteful lifestyle is, of course, paid for by the British taxpayer.
Millions of idiots adore that poor excuse of a human called Prince Harry.
by Lauzier August 14, 2011
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A drink comprised of red bull and gin. Made popular by the disgraced Prince Harry of the same name.
Hey man, i went hard On Prince Harry’s last night.
by Shinydog October 22, 2022
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A silent nazi of Britain's royals

He wants to bring back the German Reich again. So he dressed up as Feldmarshall Rommel, one of the biggest nazishwines.

Adolf would be proud of him
Harry: Sieg Heil, Herr Hitler!
english royal: You were supposed to dress up as a general or something!
Harry: Whatever! Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten!!!!
by Emu Lgator January 16, 2005
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Younger son of Prince Charles, Prince Harry thinks it's a laugh to dress up as a nazi. He probably found the uniform in Princess Michael's wardrobe. Er, has anyone ever told her that Michael is actually a boy's name?
A parent annoyed that her child is not paying attention at school: If you don't learn anything you'll end up with an IQ like Prince Harry.
Child: (horrified) Alright, I'll do better from now on!
by StormSworder August 16, 2006
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1.A Nazi
2.A Derrogative term for a German: "Look at that Prince harry with the friggin' towel on the sunbed"
by Finesilver January 16, 2005
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