When something is swolen in a way that allows it to become a meme, ussualy reffered to in doggo lingo.
Dont let your pupper eat a jalapeño sky rasin or it might do a swol.
by smol snek February 16, 2019
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upset in a manner that is defined by confusion, sadness, anger, disbelief, or any combination thereof
They were swol that they lost the baseball game
by prophet-4-hire June 13, 2006
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A word used to describe the amazingly jacked physique of someone who trains or has been training at CrossFit Fifty.
Dude, did you see how Swol that guy is? He is definitely Fifty Strong!!
by Sweet Boy March 25, 2013
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Swol is just fucking awesome, people can be swol once they have been established as awesome by their fellow bros. This word originates from 3 bros in vancouver.
to those that dont know what swol is, its just fucking swol.
"last night was soo fucking Swol!"
" how was the party man - pretty swol bro, not gonna lie"
"that was weak man, not swol at all!
by V.A.Q May 23, 2011
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In a club atmosphere, describes the amount of people at the event.
The club was on swol.
by Dee September 3, 2003
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"God, Kayla, you're such a SWOL."
by gilmoregirlsx210 November 29, 2009
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the meaning of "lit" or "dope" or "sick as fuck"
"that party was swol as fuck"
"this music is so swol"
by swolasfuk February 16, 2016
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