a term keyed by the ladies man to describe his favorite past time. doing it in da butt.
uhh yeah, i believe the scientific name is the hershey highway
by The Ju1ce August 27, 2003
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when your enjoying sexual intercourse with another male.
man you should have seen last night i took the midnight express down hershey highway.
by cliff warburton March 31, 2009
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the brown poo skid mark left on underwear when one does not properly wipe one's own ass. skid marks
If you don't wipe, you can ride along the hershey highway.
by Jin Kim April 25, 2003
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(often capitalized) A condition of increasing trouble or difficulty (usually preceded by "down the ...")
If the ecomony doesn't improve soon, George W. Bush's bid for a second term in the White House could go straight down the Hershey Highway despite the surprisingly easy victory over Iraq.
by Anthony Brancato April 21, 2003
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1. the road that leads to diabetes and obesity when taken.
Don't go down Hershey Highway. It has too many carbs.
by HappyHenry35 July 3, 2004
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The main unnamed highway going through San Francisco!
Look at all those prettyboys turning into the Hershey Highway! Next time I'll avoid San Fran!
by Piranha November 9, 2004
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Referring to someone's anus.
That dude is gay, his Hershey Highway has constant traffic in it.
by miggelzworth October 25, 2010
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