boy 1: my friends bailed on me.
boy 2: that sucks.
by McLovinLovesYou September 4, 2009
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Metric unit of weight for objects that are black. Instead of using the previously known unit ton, bailes can be used in place to describe unnaturally large objects.
Ethan: "Oh dang, did you just see that UPS truck?"
Joe: "Yeah, black as night and it must have weighed over three bailes."
by motown master February 19, 2010
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Trying very hard to seduce, have sex with or flirt with. Usually failing miserably
Person 1: did you see James last night?
Person 2: oh god yeah he was bailing into that girl- so pathetic!!
by Bregg11 May 7, 2019
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Bekett’s Face
Search up bail on urban dictionary and scroll down to see Bekket’s face”
by danceacademylover101 October 14, 2017
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release or secure the release of (a prisoner) on strict conditions or big payment known as bail or bailed
2 men were bailed on drug charges
by Criminal October 10, 2018
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To continue; to go ahead and carry out a task, particularly with enthusiasm

Origin: Portadown and maybe other parts of Co Armagh.
PhD student: Shall I repeat the experiment with a higher enzyme concentration?
Supervisor: Yip. Bail on.
PhD student: Okies. Dead on.
by UrbanBiochemist October 31, 2011
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