Attractive only from the neck up.
When she pulled up to the gas pump I thought she beautiful, but when she got ou of the car I realized she was a scroll down.
by John Raphael February 9, 2006
To keep up with news or gossip regarding friends and family; as in scrolling down a social website page to view news/posts.
by esys October 14, 2010
I was feeling a bit down, so I took a scroll down memory lane. I’m living the dream - at least according to Meta…
by one 'f' Jeph December 9, 2021
the-thing-where-you-open-an-email-and-you-scroll-down-and-it-makes-a-shape-or-something... and if you don't forward it to 5 friends, you'll have bad luck
by big2na June 16, 2011