Basically anyone who believes they're going to get caught with a dick joke at any given moment. Doubting every question and reason.
Person X: *asks anything*
Person Y: "Ok, kys kid. Where's the dick joke?"
Person X: "You literally have dick joke paranoia, smh."
by Vincent Alex January 17, 2023
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A feeble attempt at humor by means of pointing out the obvious in a given situation. Not to be confused with "dad jokes", because Eric jokes are actually funny ☝️🤓
Hahhahaha did you just make an eric joke
by AgentYuva June 16, 2024
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a feeble attempt at humor, by means of pointing out the obvious in a given scenario. its called an "Eric" joke because a guy called eric popularized these jokes. not to be confused with "dad jokes" because eric jokes are actually funni
by AgentYuva June 16, 2024
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When a person make a joke or picture so bad is cost them their job.
"Man these comedians are coming up with a lot of cide jokes!"
"I know right? They be looking for cide jobs now."
by Gregaroidson. June 2, 2017
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said as a term of slang
simon: what do you mean, why did you say that??
Harry: is a joke bro chill
by faZe._XxurmumXx._ May 12, 2021
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A recently formed government sector of law and order tasked with monitoring social media for any words considered offensive that current day.

Initially the division was formed with pure intent with the goal to shade people who are shit at comedy so they do not continue pursuing a career in it, but recently there has been an unsanctioned shift in the direction of preventing all comedy because humour is the enemy of progress and cannot be tolerated under any circumstance.

Recent studies have shown that people find the division a waste of tax payers money and want them to be disbanded.

So far there have been no arrests and average sentences result in pointless cancel attempts on twitter which don't work, suggesting that people consider them a joke, which unfortunately means they will have to cancel themselves as no jokes are allowed by their own standards
"Did you hear the joke police tried to cancel Ricky Gervais?"
"lol good luck, they'll be gona long before he is"
by Longbeer Feet November 20, 2020
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A joke that is over your head, like a ceiling. You don't understand it at all.
#1 - "What if soy milk is simply regular milk trying to introduce itself in Spanish?"

#2 - "Dude I don't know Spanish, that's a fucking ceiling joke."
by NickySticks September 15, 2013
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