21 definitions by Gregaroidson.

Person #1 "I guess I am in a homance now."

Person #2 "Why you say that?"

Person #1. "Jen just told me she is sleeping with Mark but it doesn't mean she don't love me."

Person #2 "Dude you are right in the middle of a homance."
by Gregaroidson. April 10, 2019
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When an establishment type politician believes he/she is better than others and the rules dont apply to them.
After lecturing the audience on the dangers of greenhouse gasses, carbon footprints and global warming the Swampus Pompus former vice president flew away in a private jet to one of his five mansions.
by Gregaroidson. June 13, 2017
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Masses releasing gasses outta they asses causing global warming.
"Dude did you just fart?"
"What the hell is wrong with you, don't you know you're creating greenhouse gas?"
by Gregaroidson. June 11, 2017
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That one time in a thousand when you call for a ride and your driver smells.
"What the hell is that god aweful smell?"
"I think its the Puber Driver."
"OMG this has never happened to me before, thank god were in the back seat!"
"Ohhh I know can you imagine sitting next to him?"
"No! Now can you roll down your window and stop asking him questions please?"
"Will do but do you think he brushes his teeth?"
"If he does its with Donky shit!"
by Gregaroidson. March 20, 2017
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Any person or organization that aids, helps, promotes or defends the stagnation and status quo of Washington DC lawmakers.

As Albert 's elderly father lie dying in a hospital bed with his last breath he said. " Son allways remember there only two kinds of people in this world those who feed the swamp and those who drain the swamp. Promise me son that you won't be a swamp feeder."

Albert vowed from that day on he would devote his life to drainig the swamp
As Albert's dad lay dying in a hospital bed with his last breath he said. " Son allways remember there only two kinds of people in this world those who feed the swamp and those who drain the swamp. Promise me son that you won't be a swamp feeder."

Albert vowed from that day on he would devote his life to drainig the swamp
by Gregaroidson. June 14, 2017
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A ride you get and pay for when your in a major city and the driver, his breath or car stinks.
"Whats that aweful smell?"
"It's the pewber drivers breath man."
"OHHH thank god were in the back seat."
"I know can you imagine what it would be like sitting next to him? Now can you roll down your window and stop asking him about his life please?"
by Gregaroidson. March 20, 2017
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Funishment. The consequence of wrong doing that turns out the be unexpectedly fun.
Child to friend " I got some unexpected funishment when. I blew up the go cart motor."
Friend."Oh what happened??
Child to friend My dad bought me a new go cart."
by Gregaroidson. February 8, 2020
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