Romancing akin to ahcieving effect of gastropod mollusc that lacks a shell.
Let's slug rather than hug.
by Hercolena Oliver May 2, 2010
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Giving someone a chance to do something impressive.
Guy 1: Dude this guy is so bad at this game!
Guy 2: Wait just let him cook..
by 6lock August 17, 2023
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A: Hey man, wanna listen to Ok Computer?
B: Shit man, put on Let Down! That shit’s underrated as fuck!
A: John, you’re such a let down!
B: Yeah, I know.
by September 26, 2023
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When somebody says they’ll be there to do something and doesn’t turn up... then has a shit excuse of why they couldn’t be there :’(
by BeckaC June 5, 2020
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To state something clearly and honestly so that there is no confusion or misunderstanding.

Usually signifies the end of a conversation.
“I’m not interested in dating you, so let that be straight.”

You owe me $50 for the pizza we ordered last week, let that be straight.”

You are a friend and you want to clear up a misunderstanding with another friend. You say: “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I was just joking. Let that be straight.”
by BenevolentMask. March 22, 2023
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