Someone who doesn't know what they're on about.
by hj_69 December 28, 2016
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Someone who works at a direct care facility and helps to take care of people with developmental disabilities--especially ones with genetic cognitive disabilities. Essentially a baby sitter for retarded people.
Friend: Hey, let's go watch the game tonight!
'Tard Sitter: Sorry, bro. I can't go out to the game tonight because I picked up an extra 'tard sitting shift tonight.
by redpillsatori July 15, 2021
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The feeling of grogginess, confusion, and overall mental retardation in the aftermath of waking up from a nap.
"I took a tard nap this afternoon and, when I woke up, felt as mentally incompetent as a Republican senator from the south."
by Christopher Sessions December 9, 2020
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The act of accidentally getting mustard on yourself or clothing.
Look at that unlucky person getting tarded over there.
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When you don't want to say the "R" slur so you came up with something better.
Dude, why are our friends so tarded
by RaceCarRayce March 30, 2021
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Verb; and noun all in one. When the individual is super sensitive and highly reactive to offending situations, you call them Tarded so you don't bruise any egos or hurt some butts.
Statistically speaking, 86% of the American population is Tarded. They get offended and triggered just for having to get out of bed.
by CaptRedbeard July 30, 2022
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