1. A mythical/legendary/nonexistent/hypothetical power tool that is said to damage male genitalia, which the mere mention of causes any child under the age of 13 who knows what a pecker is to laugh their asses off when they hear the term

2. A Black & Decker drill
by Koby_Fish April 28, 2005
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braces in the female mouth....if used during felatio, will shred the man's penis
"dude, your sister is a black-n-decker pecker wrecker"
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n.) An astoundingly large penis capable of causing trauma if used for regular vaginal intercourse.
I gave Judy the Double Decker Pussy Wrecker. She hasn't walked right for a week.
by Young&Restless February 28, 2022
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A girl from Becker who wrecks your pecker by trapping you in a relationship by getting pregnant and taking all your money.
Dude, you better watch out, she's totally a black and decker Becker pecker wrecker
by Fort Bacon April 24, 2006
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This girl thats sits beside me in classss, aka any girl with braces, the destroy of all man kind. She rips penis to pieces with her braces.
a girl beside me in class is the black n decker pecker wrecker
by pecker wrecker October 18, 2010
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To describe a black female with braces who might just saw your member off while sucking your dick.
Oh man!, Shaniqua is for real a black n decker pecker wrecker. Shit! I was bout to go get disability. That ho damn near bit my dick off last night. She ain't putting my dick in her mouth again.
by SuezeeSmurd January 6, 2019
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