Just take whatever is in your liquor cabinet and make a drink out of all everything and top it with coke.
“I only had a shot left in each bottle so I said fuck it and made an Alcatraz Island Iced Tea.”
by Alcatraz Alcoholic December 8, 2018
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One of the best drinks to exist. Wipes out those common Coke Lovers (mid people). A drink that's actually healthy for you. We stan Iced Tea
Player 1: Yo did you try Iced Tea
Player 2: Naw what's that
Player 1: Never show your fedish rashy face again
by A Stranger 🤠💦 May 21, 2022
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Homosexual slang for craft beer, mostly used in Austin TX
Hey big daddy just pound that iced tea and come get sweet with me
by DemFacts March 19, 2021
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Some one or somethings that loves ice tea (especially lipton) so much that they would fuck it given the chance.
by Sandwich69 August 11, 2022
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like a Long Island Ice Tea but double shots of vodka,gin,rum,tequila....
Loz islands are known to cause blindness and dizzyness leading to cycle crashes and broken ankles.
Drink the Loz Island at your peril

can also cause the drinker to be scutted
went out last night on the Loz Island Ice Tea's..... got so scutted. TOP NIGHT
by Chiami dodger December 20, 2013
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Diarrhea butt stuff. When the fecal matter is runny and is in enough liquid to give it the color of iced tea.
Man, I was doing anal with my girlfriend, and I look down, and there's runny shit all over my dick... I mean I still finished and stuff. Turns out I'm into iced tea on the back porch.
by ShppingAndReceivingbuttstuff February 15, 2017
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