PT's Socialist Democracy, also Lula's Socialist Democracy, PT Socialist Democracy, Lulist Socialist Democracy, Lulopetist Socialist Democracy or Revolutionary Socialist Democracy, is a political system that aligns democracy with socialism and with the principles of the PT (Workers' Party) and Lula. The PT's socialist democracy is well characterized for being defended by the PT's municipal and state leaders, contrary to the conciliatory policy of the PT's federal leaders. The PT's socialist democracy was theorized and synthesized by Marxism-Leninism-Lulism and as a response from several PT members in response to the coup attempt on January 8, 2023, which would be a justification for Lula, the PT and the allied parties to become Brazil into a Socialist Democracy and adopt a constitution based on socialist democracy, democratic socialism and cooperative ownership.
The PT's Socialist Democracy as a concept emerged as a meme on r/GenLula (also r/GenLula2 and r/genlula3) and also in PT and Lula groups that defended and defend that Lula should have used January 8, 2023 as a justification for the PT to go even further to the left and turn Brazil into a socialist democracy.
by TheAnunnakiTankie June 22, 2023
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A person, who typically lives in a penthouse in New York City, who advocates for socialist reforms despite being a member of the top 10%
That Hasan piker dude is the textbook definition of a NYC socialist
by TheentireStateofNewYork November 20, 2021
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A rich person trying to seem poorer than they are by sending their kids to a public school and then boast about how rich they are.
PERSON 1: Look at that kid, he looks so rich
PERSON 2: Must be a Bally socialist.
by thejpt March 9, 2023
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Someone who is prepared to abandon their principles to save 49p on a book / CD / dvd / Joseph Joseph stacking utensil set
Steve's always banging on about workers' rights but he's an amazon socialist when it comes to deciding where to buy the new Billy Bragg album
by RustyLi July 31, 2018
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Middle aged, upper middle class, women who engage in left leaning political demonstrations (presumably out of boredom or dissatisfaction with home life)
J: Becky is a red wine socialist

K: What a bitch
by S.T.R April 22, 2021
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