Even worse than ur mom gay, ur daddy lesbian and ur granny tranny. Every time it is said, someone shits a whole football
Teddy: “Ur Mom gay”
Skeet: “No u”
Teddy: “Ur daddy lesbian
Skeet: “Hey uhh—“
Teddy: “Ur grandpapi big gay booty slappy!”
Skeet: *Dies and shits a whole football* *Rectum the size of Rosie O’Donnel*
by IFap232BluntsIG March 11, 2018
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When 2 males stand on each side of a girl on her knees while she uses KY Tingling Sensation Lube to masturbate both of them continuously until they start to ejaculate and then they bend back there boners counter side to her ASS cheeks and slap her on the ass with their dicks.
Nillina was on all fours so Manlord and Blacklighte could give her the old 1-2 ghetto booty slappy.
by Nillina and Manlord lol December 6, 2009
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a dork, goofy, slow to catch on, oblivious that others are laughing and making fun of them, simpleton, carrying a stuffed frog , skipping to a nursery rhythm, giggle and looking goofy...

dumbass. .
ex: slappy happy frog carrying in the right hand motherfucker, dude is clueless...
get your slappy happy frog carrying in the right hand, goofy ass out of here ....
she's dating this slap happy frog carrying in the right hand looser mother fucka...
by h8tumore October 25, 2022
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To be very very violent with whoever try's anything with you.
Yo imma go mad slappy on this guy if he doesn't get out my face.
by madtraddy July 13, 2017
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The act of back handing someone while wearing rubber boots.
Henry's father was so mad, he gave him the good ol slappy steak.
by Steak daddy July 10, 2018
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when a girl puts dip in here mouth and gives you a blowjob
Doo: cmon soup give me one of your special slappy dallas
Soup: ok but you bring the dip and don't tell mcnasty again
by yeetgood October 16, 2020
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n. A slap up dinner, a feast.
You up for a movie and a slappie somewhere in town later?
by Shuaman October 21, 2018
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