1.To go take a huge shit.
2.To fart powerfully
3. A threat to violate your booty cheeks
1. Sorry, fellas, I gotta rattle my mudflaps somethin’ fierce. It’s gonna stank.
2. I heard that from across the house! Did you just rattle your mudflaps?

3. Now listen here, I’ll rattle your mudflaps like you’ve never had it before just to show you who’s boss.
by ThunderBoss October 1, 2023
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The clenched-teeth orgasmic sigh you make upon ejaculation with a partner below your usual standards.
Pulled a right munter last night, gave me a proper spunk rattle!
by Yeoballs July 5, 2022
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When you are super pissed about something or someone.
That has me so rattled right now!
by A real Shultster February 14, 2015
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Brian Walsh, after Lennon Bolger Sheehan declared him rattled.
by GabrielObertan February 28, 2019
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Unable to keep one's head due to verbal jarring.
Jonny became rattled when his friends were telling him to put his boner away.

Bruce became rattled when his friend realized he loved Lundy.
by Jack McMullen November 18, 2018
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