S. Afr. slang for a white person.

Stands for Previously Advantaged Now DisAdvantaged.

It comes from the politically correct South African bullshit euphemism "previously disadvantaged" which means everyone who is not white, and hence is eligible for affirmative action.
Dave: I'm going to apply for that job.
Steve: Don't even bother. You're a PANDA, bru.
by George McBob April 29, 2009
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PANDA has a big dick...

And is sexy;)

I would like him in me.

-Minty ^~^
PANDA did my mom
by SHADOWHOT January 6, 2020
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when you cum on a person's face and punch them in both eyes. the resulting bruised and cum laden face is known as 'the panda'.
'I love a little bukkake session...I also like it rough. PUNCH ME IN THE FUCKING FACE!'
"AIGHT, BITCH" *Thwat* Thwat*
"Yeahhhh" *Looks into the mirror* "I look like Kung Fu Panda"

by Fo_Sho March 21, 2012
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An attractive Asian girl. Usually from a Chinese background.
That girl is so yummy, she's such a panda.
by Marc50005 June 22, 2007
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Type of the Italian car brand Fiat called Panda. Nice cars but once you hit something with it, it will wrinkle and be compressed like you stand on a coke can.
"Watch out you cunt I'm driving a Panda!" "I'd like to have my coffin made out of wood and without weels..."
by jerry January 27, 2004
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Slang term for genetal herpes. Looks Cute and cuddly on the outside, but "The Panda" can be mean and vicious.
1) I slept with this hot chick last night, but the bitch gave me the panda

2) Watch out for that slut. She has the panda...

3) I really want to sleep with this girl. But I think she has the panda

4) The panda is like a fruitcake. You get it at least once a year but you never want it

5) If you have it, The Panda is the gift that keeps on giving...If you want it or not...
by x_hunter_x March 11, 2011
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