Somebody who waits until decades and decades after somebody's death to celebrate their death/downfall.
The chicken shit didnt want to be the only chicken shit celebrating the death/downfall of the person/statue of the person, so he or she got a whole group of people to spread the celebration like wildfire, that way it wouldn't be gloating or awkward for him or her.
by Solid Mantis August 28, 2020
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Someone who waits until someone has been dead for decades to laugh at something they did while they were alive.
The guy's wife was calling herself chicken shit by saying something he did was scary while he was alive, but funny years after he died. She tried to make him look like the Debo of Rock and Roll and ended up revealing how chicken shit she was.
by Solid Mantis August 28, 2020
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A few more things on a chicken shit's bucket list along with fighting drunks and junkies for adventure are fighting paralyzed or terminally ill kids, fighting elderly Jews with dementia, and fighting someone with a life threatening injury someone else inflicted.
A chicken shit has to try everything at least once, even beating a 95 year old lady to death before taking everything she has.
by Solid Mantis September 13, 2019
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Chicken shit
by mennäperille December 10, 2019
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A person that is seemingly nice in the beginning of a relationship but ends up cheating, abusing (both physically and verbally), and showing complete degradation of one's significant other. Usually has intellectual capacity and most likely works a simple job requiring little responsibility possibly in the military. Someon who purposefully breaks multiple laws and expects to get away with them only to act shocked when caught. Shows great laziness in most cases and little drive to do better in life.
Hey that fire fighter is a shit-bag he gets off every other day but refuses to use that free time to better himself or work a second job.
by Iyadsyas August 20, 2015
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People who lack an all around general work ethic. Usually guys named Kevin.
There he is, the shit bag.”

“Oh, you mean Kevin? Yeah. He’s a shit bag.”
by Microkitten November 4, 2023
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Shit Bag: Slang, Military Term: A person who is unmotivated and utterly worthless. Constantly finding different ways to get out of working, doing what they are supposed to, or being asked to do something and making up a dumbass excuse to get out of doing it...
You: Hey Fred, quit the shit baggery and come help me unload this truck!

Fred: I can't, I got to wasted last night, and I don't feel good.

You: Dude, you're a shit bag.
by UW|Zerokool-X November 21, 2020
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