An expression used most commonly as a greeting when you're either waiting for someone or talking about someone and that person walks in the room.
by Georgie Porgie September 9, 2005
by bobjobbyjo March 3, 2005
A kid: Hey check this out I can be like Micheal Jackson
A kid2: Ok show me
A kid: ok then
A kid: he he~
A kid2: wtf
A kid2: Ok show me
A kid: ok then
A kid: he he~
A kid2: wtf
by Trisced1 August 24, 2019
A signature giggle used by Viorica Dancila, first female prime minister of Romania, caused by emotions and being unfit, untrained or unprepared for a diplomatic meeting.
This became a meme in Romania.
This became a meme in Romania.
Benjamin Netanyahu (prime minister of Israel at the time):
"Pleasure to meet you!" (shakes hand)
Viorica Danicla (prime Minister in Romania at the time):
"He he" (with stupid face on) words in unknown language to humans
"Pleasure to meet you!" (shakes hand)
Viorica Danicla (prime Minister in Romania at the time):
"He he" (with stupid face on) words in unknown language to humans
by noname4192 September 12, 2018
by RawrItsPanda November 13, 2009
by Zpop May 29, 2021