Proficient in the use of technology, especially computers. You fucks with the future.
"See, I'm what they call techno savvy. I fucks with da future."
by sodapopp'd May 2, 2016
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Someone that doesn't have a clue about working with technology. They can't work myspace and send attachments on emails.
Could also be when you have a techno-peasant moment. This is when your mind strikes a blank working with your computer.
Karin: "Man just saw the coolest music video on youtube!"
Jei: "What is youtube?!?"
Karin: "Where have you been? Your such a techno-peasant!"

Matt :"Maybe you should add the video track when you export your timeline! Then you would have a picture!!!"
Jei :"Agh, man i'm such an idiot, i totally forgot!"
Matt :"haha, techno-peasant!"
by Jeninja-inja March 21, 2007
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The mythical princess who frequents nightclubs and dance parties around the world. The Techno Princess spreads fist pumping and the good word of Techno and all things electronic music wherever she grooves.
Oh Snap! I spotted the Techno Princess last night in Vegas!
by JennaMK February 21, 2009
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One who is called a nerd for his prowess with technology rather than for being a dork.
We need a techno-nerd to program this.
by Downstrike May 27, 2004
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An unexpected erection which occurs when you encounter a new/cool/sexy piece of technology.
When Rob opened his new brushed-metal scanner, he suddenly sprouted a techno boner.
by Psypher October 19, 2004
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The snarling motion of your lip when you hear some hard/emotional/unbelievable techno music.
The suprised look of awe when you hear something amazing for the fist time in a techno track.
The look you have when a DJ is hitting that button in your gut.
Oh my god look at his/her techno face.
Let me see your techno face.
This is my techno face.
Usually captured by random photos.
by mattie mossmoss June 30, 2006
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Techno music that is considered mainstream and commercialized.
Those two guys on r/Techno reddit forum kept arguing over whether or not if Scuba is now considered business techno.

Sure I like a few Pig and Dan tracks, but I won't go to the Drumcode Festival because of the sheer overwhelming amount of business techno.
by Loxxicle December 1, 2020
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