or 'Shibui' or "Shibbeeeeeeeee!". (Japanese)
Cool, but in a kind of frumpy, retro sort of way. Also bitter or astringent (commonly used to describe the flavor of green tea, but not coffee, which is decidedly "nigai").
"Terebi, nani mitemasuka?"
"Saikin, 'Mito Komon' hamatteru."
"Shibbeeeeeeeee! Demo, chotto dasa."
by Shubwug August 3, 2004
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Meh Meh Meh Meh Toast Meh Meh Meh Meh
See "Twang" for a totally unrelated but surprisingly related topic.
by Green Corn April 24, 2005
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The embodiment of shibby .. ie a hot girl or guy
Ouch! ... Shibby goat bit me :p
by Fraulein Schmerzen January 27, 2004
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A pair of swim trunks worn when one feels very shibby.
Dude, did you see that girl staring at my shibby trunks?
by Anonymous May 18, 2003
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