(four girls in a bikini with big tits walks into Rob's house and he is pure and loves god)

Rob: oh shit OH GOD FUCK NO WAIT FUCK GOD NO AHH HELP IM GONNA GET FUCKING RAPED HELP FUCK NO PLEASE HELP NO, NO, NOOO- (Rob breaks out of his bedroom's window and escapes the hoeslut thot girls)
by XxXdickblue1XxX November 16, 2021
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A way of exclaiming something or simply being surprised by someone's bravery, usually used by the youngest of a friendship group.
Jin: /eats something incredibly spicy
Jungkook: Oh man holy shit!
Everyone else: DON'T SWEAR CHILD
by yoongis trashcan November 1, 2015
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An expression of extreme dismay, or shock
Jed: "Your mother-in-law was just killed when she drove off a cliff."
Red: "Um hmmm."

Jed: "She was driving your 2006 custom dually Dodge 4WD Mega Cab Cummins Turbo Diesel."
Red: "Shit oh fuckin dear!"
by CalifCoyote May 28, 2006
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what you think when your mother types p into the url box and you realize you forgot incognito mode
by Charuzu October 30, 2019
The split second after you've said something that you really shouldn't have said, and realise that you shouldn't have said it.
an example of the oh-shit! moment = "those jeans make your thighs look fat" ... oh shit...
by p00pyhead August 16, 2009
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Something you say when you see a tiger mauling a pack of indigenous tribesmen.
"You seeing that over there? That tiger is mauling those tribesmen!"
"Oh Shit, lemme get my camera!"
*click snap*
by Cat Lad March 18, 2022
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Man, you know what oh shit means. You only searched this up to get some shit outta this!! So fine, if your that stupid, here is what the definition is.

Guy 1. Oh shit I dropped my fish!!
Guy 2. Oh shit that’s bad
Guy 1. Oh shit your right!!

Fish. Oh shit this is the end
Oh shit
by little boi coochie man November 11, 2020
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