Verb. To thing about extensively, or wrap your head around. Coined by an investment banker from Sarnia.
Analyst: What about a merger between Fortis and Emera?

Banker: Hmmm...interesting. Let me noodle that and get back to you. Good work and here's your $80k bonus cheque.
by Dave Barnes November 2, 2005
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Blindly looking for a date, often out of desperation, at a bar or club with the bottom-feeders of society hoping you won't get bit too badly. Similar to method of catching catfish by sticking your had in a murky lake until a catfish bites it.
He was having such bad luck with the ladies, he went noodling at a seedy bar to find a date.
by bunker bomb August 22, 2009
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An act of the sexuality variety between two people.

Verb: noodling
Noun: noodler
adverb: noodlewise
adjective: noodlish
Stop noodling all over my couch. It's really nasty and I still haven't gotten the stains out from the last time.
by noodlefritz February 3, 2012
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word used by Australian junkies to descibe a syringe they use to shoot up heroin, cocaine or meth-amphetamines with.
Vera: Vis shit is the fuckin' horse... I carnt wait to get some of vis shit in a noodle.
by AllUrbanLegend April 10, 2006
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To start fingering a woman and when wiggling your fingers, feel for a fetus to bite, fishhook it, then pull it out of the vagina and hold it up like the catch of the day!
Last night I caught a 8lb fetus while noodling.
by CfromT October 1, 2007
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many meanings:
1. u stupid mufuka!!
aiyyo stop it ur acting like a weak ass noodle
by cornell haynes January 30, 2005
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