When your partner performs anallingus on you like a dog working a kong full of peanut butter.
gettin jiffy with it falls on Sunday Funday.
by December 22, 2022
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An Erection Lasting For Hours Caused by Taking an Accidental Viagra
If You Believe You Are Suffering From A Banging Jiffy You Should Consult A doctor Immediately!
"Dude Don't Eat That!"
"Why Not?"
"You'll Like Get A Banging Jiffy Man"
by Trollia June 1, 2012
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a streatchy hat built to contain a large amount of hair, such as dreadlocks or an afro, in a large bulbous shape.
Desmond kept his dreads in check by stuffing them in a Jiffy Pop Hat.
by Todd-I July 19, 2023
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to try to persuade someone to do something or to hurry them, especially when they do not really feel like it
You can do this! Jiffy up!
by Bogland June 7, 2019
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a grody, barefoot, baddly dressed, child.
the kid who hang out at the jiffy stores and marts is a jiffy kid.
by vnicoleex3 May 2, 2010
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Rarely used term for marijuana, specifically high grade skunk. Used primarily by weird looking ginger kids trying to buy a ten bag from a yardie.
by Skeese March 27, 2020
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An autistic concoction where you put peanut butter (preferably Jif brand) into a cheeseburger. Extremely vile and only consumed by inbred southerners
Bob: Dude wtf is that?!?!?
Jerry: it's a jiffy burger
Bob: Bro that's autistic and ruining a good burger
by Accelgor February 27, 2017
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