Feminazi, or also known as Feminism with a touch of Nazi, represents every single dumb bitch trying to get equal rights for women, this may also apply for men.
Jordan: Stacey can you wash the dishes?
Stacey: No! I'm not a dishwasher
Jordan: Shut the fuck you feminazi and go clean the dishes
Stacey: Ok daddy. Whatever the master says.
by afuckingcunt November 26, 2018
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an overly effeminate nazi.

the term 'feminazi' is also associated with feminism. but don't be confused my sweets, this only happened because some ignorant MRA just didn't understand the real definition. but now you know the truth.
hello hanz
hello klaus
who's the new guy who always frolics around the concentration camp and winks at the prisoners?

oh, bruno? yeah he's quite the feminazi.
by bitch chan September 19, 2014
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a word used by fedoras and general fuckboys used to describe feminists, because they dont have the time to actually learn about feminism and learn that it's the struggle for equality of the sexes. feminazis believe that women are all powerful and men are weak pigs who should just die. THIS IS NOT FEMINISM. go look for the definition of feminism, dust the cheeto dust off your fingers, and burn all your fedoras. please.
fedora: o ur a feminist??? u mean famiNAZI u dumb whore go back 2 the kitchen hahahhah

feminist: no, i believe in the equality of the sexes in all situations

fedora: u mean u hate men
feminist: no, i think women and men should be treated as equals


fedora: that's a feminist right there
by fluidlady December 22, 2014
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A word that sexist men use to convince themselves that feminists are just crazy "bitches" instead of people that are fighting for gender equality.
Brad: Hey look at that group of feminazi's marching to lessen the pay gap between men and women.

Mark: stfu, Brad. Just because you can't get any girls to date you doesn't mean that you are the oppressed one.

Brad: you wouldn't last a second in a COD lobby.
by ChaoticRat37 March 9, 2021
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Radical Femenists That do Slam Poetry. Those have said that listening to a Radical Feminazi Slam Poem is equivalent to listening to an Adolf Hitler speech.
Guy 1: Yo dude, have you ever listened to a Hitler speech?
Guy 2: Nigga Hitlers dead. But I sure have listened to a Radical Feminazi Speech
Guy 1: Oh shit, so you have?
by Alfonzo July 4, 2016
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1. a girl who performance coincide for the sack of female domination while flying in pants on a broomstick followed by cats and owls after she slept with Satan (only when all aspect apply to her is she a feminazi)

2. a word man use to describe someone with valuable points on equality for men and women
she has been nagging all day about how she is underappreciated and not gets enave money for the works she does, so annoying! she is such a feminazi

he called me a feminazi again after I told him how I was raped last week and want to take legal actions against the sun of b*tch that did this to me
by Sofia-Alice March 13, 2014
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