The glue of the international English speaking community, used by it for the calibration of opinions of each member.
Teamlead: Yikes, I don't approve of this persons worldview
Person 2:
Person 3:
Person 4:
by wandrer December 12, 2022
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Another name for someone named Michelle; noun
Girl 1: Oh wow did you see yikes in that dress yesterday?

Girl 2: omg yes, she looked so fab!!
Michelle: who the hell is yikes??
by Spooky Ghost October 28, 2015
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yikes 5$ is 5$ , / I'm braindead enough to use yikes or a dab sometimes.
-Venezuela's economy is so yikes man . - Yeah, i like cooked frogs on a stick man yikes
by Twój Stary March 20, 2019
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Old school expression of fear or astonishment. 1941 is the earliest recorded use according to

Expression used to show an array of emotions, such as concern or disapproval, disgust, ridicule or embarrassment among others. Recent trend makes the word rather prevalent.
D: I think my cringe is showing
K: Yikes

Kevin: hey Sup, cant go 2 teh party tonight, grounded bcuz dad found weed from last night
Chad: Big yikes
by Maaaaaarkle_box December 30, 2019
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The answer to anything(owned by Jake)
Person 1:my dad has cancer

Person 2:yikes
by Not Jake lol May 7, 2019
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"omg my room is so yike right now. i need to clean."
by mastermeg May 1, 2023
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Expression used in response to something cringe.
“And then, with a wink, he tipped his fedora and called me m’lady.”

by YaBoyShanny April 15, 2021
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