Boring, dumb, gay, and a waste of time!
by Anonymous January 30, 2003
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The Place where every minor in the U.S never wants to go to, but is required by law to show up at a certain god-forsaken-hour. Also referred to as 'prison'.
Dude! I got to go to school!


You know that place we minors all have to go to that makes us up get up at 6 to waste 8 hours of our day learning shit we'll really never use.. or we'll forget?

Oh yeah... HAHA!!
by MusicIsLifeMD November 7, 2008
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Bob: I love school!
Alex: Well school does not love you!
by GordonFreeman August 28, 2008
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“School”. is a word in some stupid language that actually means hell. School or hell, (your choice) is the reason why you get an ass whoppin. School is the place your parents send you just so they don’t have to deal with your ass anymore. School is also the reason why you wake up at 6:00am in the morning just to get yelled at by someone annoying adult.
Today I’m going to hell, what we learn in hell is Basic Mathematics, Science, history, and some other shit that probably won’t be useful in life. What we eat and drink in hell probably contains spit, pieces of hair, snot, and more disgusting stuff the lunch crew probably feeds us. There are no friends in hell, the bathrooms smell disgusting and look disgusting too, you get held in “detention” just for going when the bell rings and your “teacher”/demon says the classic frase “ the bell doesn’t dismiss you, I do.” I mean, who does that? Anyways, in hell, there are a lot of fights, probably caused by the reason you stepped on their new shoes or because it’s hell and... in hell you fight a lot. But anyways during those fights, some dick with probably shout out, “WORLDSTAR!!!!!”, causing the crowd to get more tensed up. In hell, you get a lot of homework, like a 20 paper essay due tomorrow.

But anyways there’s more to school/hell that that.
by DARKER MATTER April 20, 2019
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School is a place where the human spirit is crushed all in the name of education. It also acts as a factory for the next generation of obedient workers so that the Government can steal even more of your money. Once you get into year eleven you start to notice the structure of things. Prefects represent your future bosses, the people who will hold power over you when you enter the work place. They are not there to stop you from doing bad things because they have no actual powers over you. No their purpose is to give you an idea of the future and nothing else.

You don't have to have an actual knowledge of the world to succeed in school, all you need is what the teachers put in front of you. This is all used in order for you to do well in the next round of standardised test bullshit. Why? you ask. The answer is simple good grades lead to you getting jobs of course. School serves to create a load of mindless fork and spoon operators.

To make you think you have a say they set up a Student Council. You vote who you want in and hope they will help you in some way. I once asked a teacher what they acheived and she said " Oh they've done a lot. They got mirrors put in the toilets and made some lovely flower hanging baskets for the school". Now in what way is that beneficial to my education or the improvement of my school life? The answer is it wasn't. The Student Council is there to make you think you have a say. The truth is kids you fucking don't, never have and never will get used to it because it is the same with the Government. This is again the School giving you an idea of the future.

Critical thinking will never be taught or allowed in School because if it was the whole structure would be in danger. The media helps to dumb kids down so instead of asking questions they watch Big Brother and any other shit that happens to be on. The kids are getting dumber and I blame a large amount of this on School. Insead of producing intelligent well rounded people they produce unquestioning fuckwits. What can be done about this? The answer is nothing unless people start to develop the power of critical thought. Will that happen? Not a fucking chance the damage has been done.
Me: Why don't you teach us something useful for a change?

Teacher: Get out of my Classroom!

Student: School is a place for brainwashing

Teacher: Oh don't listen to him listen to us!
by Glynn Thomas August 7, 2008
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Dictionary Definition-a building where young people receive education;

True Defention: the Place where you suffer for 12 years of your life. im sure you know it where you learn for 6 1/2 hours and then they give you homework possibly the worst place in the world.
son: mum can i stay at home today

mum: why?

son: school is depresing and stupid

Mum: I know i used to go the for 15 years

son: wat

Mum: nothing
by Mr.uber1337ww August 8, 2009
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1. Prison for Minors.
West Holt Penitentiary....Uh, I mean High School
by Speckdahl18 December 16, 2010
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